October 03, 2004

70's Funk, Psych 'N' Saz From Turkey: Edip Akbayram & Dostlar

Nedir Ne Degildir? by Edip Akbayram & Dostlar is a fine new addition to the steady stream of 60/70’s Turkish rock reissues that have appeared in the past couple of years. On previous releases, the big Western influence that appears in the music of that period is psychedelic rock. (60’s psych rock, indeed, continued to hold sway in Turkey long after it had faded in the West.) In this latest one, which originally came out in 1975, elements of funk have started creeping into the mix (along with fizzing 70’s synth and the occasional tape speed manipulation.) The bods at Aquarius Records have likened the results to a score for some lost 70’s Turkish car-chase film… And that certainly sums up this track, Arabam Kaldi Yolda, pretty well. As always, the album can purchased through the Aquarius Records site.

Posted by Warren at October 3, 2004 06:32 PM | World