July 08, 2004

A Compilation For The Attention Deficient

Got a busy time-precious lifestyle? Get bored of a song after the first chorus? Suffer from ADHD? Well, this might be the compilation for you!...
In the tradition of those 50's stuntswhere college fraternities tried to see how many people they could stuff in a phone box, Stuart from World of Stuart has accomplished the impressive task of putting together a compilation of 100 songs that can fit on a single CD! (OK, its not an official release with copyright clearances; just one guy's playlist... But you've gotta salute the concept.)
The tracks, which are sourced from a variety of indie, punks, hip hop and comedy acts, vary in length from the positively sprawling 1 minute 26 second "Velocity Girl" by Primal Scream to the shortest song of all time, "You Suffer" by Napalm Death, which clocks in at 1.47 seconds (including instrumental fadeout).

Posted by Warren at 10:00 PM