April 20, 2007

Weekend Gig Suggestions: High Brow Game Music At The Town Hall & Monk Time At The Chauvel

Eminence.jpgIf you live in Sydney, you're a fan of video game music, and you like the idea of experiencing it in a symphonic setting, then you're in for a treat. In the next couple of months, not one - but two - orchestras will be in town to perform game tunes in a classical style.
The first one is Eminence, who are appearing at the Sydney Town Hall tonight and tomorrow night at 7:30pm. They'll be presenting selections from Super Mario Bros, Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda, World of Warcraft and many more; all accompanied by videos of gameplay on a big screen. (Unfortunately, though, I don't think either of these guys will be in the orchestra.) Tickets can be bought at the door. The prices are here.

Monks.jpgIf you're more in the mood for a film and some frenetic live music from men in cassocks and tonsures, then head for the Chauvel Cinema tomorrow night. As part of the German Film Festival, they're screening a documentary about the Monks, a German-based 60's proto-punk band comprised of ex-American GIs who dressed like... well, monks. Here's a sample of one of their signature tunes, Monk Time. It's taken from the doco's website, where you can also purchase a tribute album with tracks by artists like Alec Empire, Mouse on Mars, The Gossip, The Fall, Faust, Chicks on Speed, John Spencer, Psychic TV, and the Silver Apples.
The screening starts at 8:45 pm, and afterwards there will supposedly be a band on hand to do Monks covers. And I'm promised they will have tonsures.

Posted by Warren at 05:40 PM

December 30, 2004

Sydney Goth Tsunami Aid

If you’re in Sydney on Wed Jan 5, then head on down to Club 77 (77 William St, East Sydney) for an evening of goth/industrial/darkwave tunes which is being put on to raise money for disaster relief in tsunami-ravaged South Asia. It starts at 10pm and its $10 at the door, with all proceeds being donated to Care Australia. (Plaudits to Joe and Jeff over at Enmore Station for getting this up and running as quickly as they have.)

Meanwhile, over on the north side, Darp Hau is planning a fundraiser for Thursday Jan 6. Not too many details as yet, but he’s hoping to get a speaker from the Sri Lankan, Thai, or Achenese community, and someone named Mr Beep who will be doing an acoustic set of Marvin Gaye and Al Green numbers.

Anyone know of any other tsunami fundraisers that are currently being organised?

Posted by Warren at 05:27 PM

November 07, 2004

Pick a struggling rock band and turn their small gig into the best show of their lives...

I love these people!... Improv Everywhere are a group of NYC actors who "cause events" like synchronised swimming in an ankle deep fountain, birthday parties for complete strangers, and groups of subway commuters wearing no pants. Their latest project is to find a band from out of town who has come to New York and been stuck playing the shittiest gig imaginable - the sort of thing that would only attract three punters at best - and swamp the venue with "agents" who will act like rabid fans and turn it into the best show of the band's career. The first recipients of this honour were Vermont group, Ghosts of Pasha, who got a funny feeling about the adoration they were receiving but used it as a springboard to rock out like they never had before. And, when they ultimately found out the truth, they still remained grateful to have got an audience in the Big Apple they could play off... And that's your feel-good story for the weekend. (via Metafilter)

Posted by Warren at 12:17 AM