October 07, 2004

2SER Radiothon: Featuring Live Harmonica Beatboxing From Yuri Lane

Starting tomorrow, it’s the annual 2SER Radiothon, a time when we attempt to coax and cajole our listeners into becoming paying subscribers so the station can remain afloat for another year. (As we’re a community station, this is the only source of funding we get – no government money or big corporate sponsors for us poor toilers.) To help get those subscriptions flowing in, I’m calling in the assistance of awesomely talented beatboxer, Yuri Lane, who will be beatboxing live through a harmonica over the phone from Chicago! Will it work and translate into a moment of pure radio magic? Or will it be defeated by the shitty sound quality of the trans-global phone network?... To be honest with you, I have no idea…
The only way to find out will be to tune in at around 7:45 am Friday 8th, Sydney time. If you’re in Sydney, go to 107.3 on the FM radio dial. If you hail from other parts, go to the 2SER-FM site for live streaming audio. (Hopefully its up in time. The site’s currently down for maintenance.)

(UPDATE: Its 7:20 am and the main site's still down, but you can listen to the show via the streaming link page.)

Posted by Warren at 05:49 PM